Gereja, Misi, dan Lingkungan Hidup: Sebuah Refleksi Teologi Penciptaan

Giarti Nugraeni, Eko Wahyu Suryaningsih


In His message, Jesus said, "Preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). The Gospel is good news that comes from God. The commandment to preach the good news to every creature shows that everything created by God must receive the gospel message. The preaching of the Gospel is not merely to add new souls because what must be preached is all of God's creation. The Church as a communion of people who are called to welcome the Gospel must add to its teachings, namely protecting the environment. Using ideas from creation we will find a common thread between the commands of the Lord Jesus and God's purpose for creation. In the book of Genesis chapter 1:31 it is said that everything created by God is truly very good and God made all of His creation. Through research conducted by the author it was found that the Church must pay attention to the environment as a way of the church and cover the Gospel to all creatures. The church's participation in covering the Gospel to all creatures is by manifesting concern for creation that is damaged due to human lack of respect for God's creation.




Church, Environment, Creation


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